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Is Quiboloy Mentally Ill Or Just Too Smart?

Apollo Quiboloy—the “Appointed Son of God,” leader of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and a man whose bold claims have left many people scratching their heads. Is he mentally ill, or is he just too smart for the rest of us mere mortals to understand? Let’s dive into this perplexing enigma with all the sarcasm it deserves.

First off, let’s consider the *genius* of Quiboloy’s claims. Declaring yourself as the Appointed Son of God is not something just anyone can pull off. It takes a certain level of creativity—or perhaps a complete detachment from reality—to not only say it with a straight face but also to convince thousands of people to believe it. I mean, how many of us wake up in the morning and think, “You know what? I’m going to tell the world I’m God’s chosen one today”? It’s a bold strategy, and you’ve got to admire the sheer audacity. Is this brilliance or just someone living in a world of their own making? It’s hard to tell.

Let’s talk about the *success* of his empire. Quiboloy has built a massive following, complete with a church, businesses, and properties all over the world. If he’s mentally ill, then he’s certainly figured out how to turn that into a lucrative career. After all, why settle for being a regular, everyday preacher when you can elevate yourself to divine status and enjoy the perks that come with it? The man’s figured out a way to have thousands of people not only hang on his every word but also support his lavish lifestyle. If that’s mental illness, then it’s the most profitable kind I’ve ever seen.

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But let’s not ignore the possibility that Quiboloy is just *too smart* for the rest of us. Maybe he’s playing 4D chess while we’re all stuck on checkers. After all, he’s managed to evade legal troubles, maintain his loyal following, and keep himself in the news—all while claiming to have stopped natural disasters with a wave of his hand. It’s almost like he knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s laughing all the way to the bank. Maybe he’s not delusional at all; maybe he’s just figured out that the best way to control people is to convince them that you’re more than human.

And what about the *psychological aspect*? Sure, some might say that anyone who claims to be the Appointed Son of God might have a few screws loose, but maybe that’s just what Quiboloy wants you to think. Maybe the real genius is in knowing that people will question your sanity, and then using that doubt to your advantage. After all, if people think you’re crazy, they might underestimate you—and that’s when you can really work your magic.

Whether Quiboloy is mentally ill or just incredibly smart is a question that might never be answered. What we do know is that he’s managed to build an empire, dodge legal issues, and maintain a following that believes in his divine status. Whether that’s the result of a sharp mind or a warped reality, one thing is certain: Quiboloy has played his cards masterfully. So, is he mentally ill or just too smart for the rest of us? Maybe it’s a little bit of both, but whatever the case, he’s certainly made it work for him.

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Anthony Enrico M. Chua
Anthony Enrico is a certified 90s kid. He loves to play offline old school games and watch 90s movies while raining.
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