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The Reason Some People Get Offended By Vice Ganda’s Jokes

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The delightful world of Vice Ganda’s humor—a realm where jokes fly as freely as confetti at a parade. It’s truly a head-scratcher why some people might get offended by Vice Ganda’s jokes. After all, who wouldn’t adore a comedian whose sole aim is to offend absolutely no one? Let’s delve into the *mystifying* reasons behind such offense, shall we?

First and foremost, let’s talk about Vice Ganda’s *subtle* approach to humor. Vice is known for having a penchant for jokes that push boundaries, challenge norms, and occasionally step on a few toes. Because clearly, in a world where everyone is perfectly okay with bland, inoffensive comedy, Vice’s style is just too radical. Who needs a comedian who dares to make people think or laugh about topics that aren’t universally accepted? That’s not what comedy is about at all—comedy should be a safe space for absolutely no surprises or uncomfortable truths.

Then there’s the issue of *context*. Vice Ganda has this bizarre habit of making jokes about social issues, personal struggles, and taboos. It’s as if Vice doesn’t understand that humor should be strictly limited to the most mundane, harmless subjects. Who needs a comedian who addresses real-world issues with wit and insight? Certainly not the people who prefer their humor to be as bland and detached from reality as possible. It’s not like comedy has ever been a platform for social commentary or challenging societal norms. Oh, wait—it totally has.

And let’s not overlook the *immense* sensitivity of the modern audience. In this age of heightened awareness and political correctness, it’s truly remarkable that people can still be offended by something as innocuous as a joke. The very idea that a comedian might say something that doesn’t cater to everyone’s delicate sensibilities is, quite frankly, a tragedy. After all, isn’t it everyone’s right to have their personal beliefs and sensitivities catered to at all times, especially when it comes to comedy?

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And how could we forget the *utterly *unpredictable nature of humor? Vice Ganda’s jokes often challenge the status quo, which is a surefire way to make people uncomfortable. It’s as if some folks are just not ready for a comedian who doesn’t stick to the predictable path of safe, uncontroversial humor. Because, really, who wants a comedian who makes you think or question societal norms? It’s so much better to have a comedy routine that’s as thrilling as watching paint dry.

Then there’s the *unique* charm of the public outrage machine. The more controversial Vice Ganda’s jokes are, the more likely they are to be scrutinized by the ever-vigilant keyboard warriors of the internet. This glorious spectacle of collective indignation is a testament to how seriously people take comedy—so seriously, in fact, that they’re willing to overlook the joy and laughter it’s supposed to bring in favor of taking offense. It’s a heartwarming reminder of how invested people are in maintaining a perfectly safe and boring world.

In conclusion, the reasons some people get offended by Vice Ganda’s jokes are as diverse as they are endearing. It’s a mix of aversion to anything that deviates from the norm, a delicate sensitivity to humor that doesn’t fit within their comfort zone, and a profound dedication to being outraged over anything that challenges their perceptions. Because, after all, in the grand theater of comedy, it’s far more important to ensure that every joke aligns with the most restrictive standards of politeness and predictability.


Anthony Enrico M. Chua
Anthony Enrico is a certified 90s kid. He loves to play offline old school games and watch 90s movies while raining.
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